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President Remarks

President Remarks

Photos of PresidentThe change we need... Time has come... 3R/Reduce, Reuse, Recycle... 素早い孝動優先!...ジレンマ/両難に克つ!

We provide the best products and service for our customers' satisfaction.
We recognize "Customer First" principles as the top priority.
We maintain "Production site oriented" policy, which is the starting point of all work including manufacturing to drive customer satisfaction.

"Heart of DNE-Group / Mind of manufacturing"
We will heighten "Production site oriented" policy for customer by manufacturing with strong preference.
Moreover, the "instantaneous faculty" for an immediate response to the daily changeable economic environment, the technology evolution.
and the demand from customer is considered to be imperative.

"LSS / Light, Simple, Smart / the Light, Simple and Smart instantaneous faculty production system"
With the swift and flexible organization and manufacturing system, we are polishing the "instantaneous faculty" so that we can meet various kinds of customer needs quickly.
In the EMS industry with which automations proceeds more and more, only to install of the cutting edge machinery is not sufficient to be competitive.
We are convinced that the essence to win the competition is the quality of the worker and their strong preferences.

An artisan / craftsman gathers and something new will be created.
An artisan is here making development and progress.
An artisan works together leading to success.

We, DNE continue as ever to maintain a heart of artisan as an outstanding characteristic EMS group and are providing advantageous products.

Yukio Yamaguchi